For women, it can do much more harm than simply expanding your waist line, too much of fats can increase the risk of: Heart disease/vascular, hypertension, Diabetes, Breast cancer. And, metabolic syndrome For men, it is generally known as the "beer belly" or "potbelly." Weight gain most men occur around the belly.
Beer is a factor of belly fat in men. A link was found between drinking too much of beer. However, it is not exactly clear why drinking too much beer causes increased belly fat especially for men.
Here Are The Reasons Why Too Much Of Beer Is Dangerous To Our Health
1. Beer can expose your muscles to loose of view nutrition in the body, alcohol is very harmful to the body. This is because alcohol is high in calories, the same as the number of calories in fatty foods. Apart from that, when you drink alcohol, your liver will be working very hard to remove calories, and sugar to filter delay.
Alcohol can also increase appetite. Although beer has some advantages, It contains a lot of calories, usually over 100 per 12 oz. It depends on what kind of beer you drink. And, when you drink more than one, the calories can add up really quick. And when you take in more calories than your body burns, you gain more fats.
2. Beer also contains alcohol, which I'm sure you already knew. But alcohol is a depressant. When you consume beer, the alcohol will get into your system and slow down your metabolism. This will results in burning of fewer calories on a daily basis in the body. And, coupled with the amount of calories in beer, there's a good chance of developing pot belly. Drinking more than eight units of alcohol in a single day in the week for men and six units for women may lead to a big belly. So try to avoid drinking too much of beer.
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