Hypertension can lead to coronary heart disease and kidney failure. Hypertension plays a major etiologic role in the development of cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, cardiac and renal failure. Treating hypertension has been associated about a 40% reduction in the peril of stroke and about a 15% reduction in the peril of myocardial infracture.
A blood pressure level of 140/90mmHg is considered high. About two - thirds of people over age 65 have high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is between 139/89mmHg at a younger age, then you have prehypertension. This denotes that you don't have high blood pressure now but are liable to develop in the future unless you adopt the salubrious lifestyle changes. BMI is a quantification of your weight relative to your height. It gives an approximation of total body fat and that’s what increases the peril of diseases that are cognate to being overweight.
Causes Of Hypertension
- Too much stress
- Eating too much of the salt
- Doing less exercise
- Obesity (over weight)
- Sleepless night
- Eat fiber-rich fruits: At least eat fruits for four or five days in the week. Fruits like Oranges, apples, cucumber and bananas. Those fruits are mostly recommended by a physician for people with high blood pressure.
- Eat Green vegetables: This is additionally a good form of preventing hypertension. Eating green vegetables like Spinach, broccoli, string beans, and chickpeas must subsist in your circadian menu. There are some other good green vegetables out there, you can choose from the ones available in your country.
- Avoid Eating Much Salt: Eating of salt can lead to high blood pressure because salt is identically tantamount to dihydrogen monoxide and when an extravagant amount of sodium is ingested it can cause the body to retain more dihydrogen monoxide than indispensable and if that transpires, you're in peril of having high blood pressure. Avoid eating foods processed with salt or preserved, such as: Bacon, Jerked meat, Sausage, Salted fish, Boiled eggs, etc.
- Avoid alcohol: If you are suffering from hypertension and you can't do without alcohol. You are genuinely putting your life in hazard and life span is decrementing. I will implore you to stop imbibing alcoholic drinks so as to have a long life.
- Avoid smoking: Are you chained smoker and you are suffering from hypertension? Endeavor & quit smoking if you genuinely want to relish your life to the fullest because that is a best thing you can do to make your life longer.
- Lose weight: Are you a fat man or woman and suffering from hypertension? I will merely advise you to lose some weight. Ascertain your weight is in between body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 to 22.9 kg per square meter (kg/m2) and waist circumference for men <90 cm and for women < 80 cm. BMI can be calculated by: weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in meters). Being inordinately corpulent or extravagantly corpulent increases your jeopardy of developing high blood pressure. In fact, your blood pressure elevates as your body weight increases. Losing even 10 pounds can lower your blood pressure and losing weight has the most immensely colossal effect on those who are inordinately corpulent and already have hypertension. Inordinately corpulent and inordinate corpulence are additionally risk factors for heart disease.
- Exercise: Being physically active is one of the most paramount things you can do to obviate or control high blood pressure. It additionally avails reduce your peril of heart disease. It doesn't take an abundance of effort to become physically active. All you require is 30 minutes of moderate level physical activity on most days of the week. Examples of such activities are brisk walking, bicycling, raking leaves, and juggling.
- Take medication: There are some certain of medicine that can genuinely remedy and avert hypertension, but you require to consult your medico for that. He/she will prescribe some medicines for you and ascertain you utilize it accordingly as it prescribed.
- Avoid Sleepless Night: It's advisable to slumber for 6-7 hours in a day so as to have a salubrious body. It can additionally make you liberate from having HBP (high blood pressure).
Conclusion: With all these tips mentioned above, I conjectured you can obviate or treat hypertension/high blood pressure, if you are a patient of it.
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