21 May 2013

5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Sex

Sex is not only a great way to have a healthy relationship or for fun, but it's also a great way to keep yourself and your partner healthy. Though there are many benefits of sex but I will be explaining only the amazing ones.

Having a good self-esteem is not only good for yourself, but also good for the people around you. How you feel yourself is often the feeling that you are communicating to the outside. This can be a deciding factor in your life regarding your social life and your work. Having sex, you long for, will make you happy from within. It can give a huge boost to your confidence if you have a relationship with someone who loves you for who you are and give you what you crave.
Chronic pain can cause problems in your daily life. Known issues with this long-term pain patients include depression, anxiety and sleep disorders, all of which are completely understandable if you feel that there is no end to your pain. Your partner can help you with a recipe of natural painkillers. If you suffer from joint pain, headaches or menstrual tension, sex can ease the tensions away. The hormones oxytocin and endorphins are released and contribute in fighting the pain by lowering your perceptions of pain signals from your problem areas.
Considerable research shows that a positive relationship significantly improves the overall health and well- being of a person. Happily married couples are less likely to develop health problems such as cancer and heart failure, and will live longer on average. Your body will experience a  whole roller coaster of hormones during sex and reminisce afterwards. The main hormone is oxytocin, also known as the hormone of love is called. This particular hormone is important for binding and cherish with your partner and will be released when you're hugging and have contact with your partner.

If you are overweight, Can you rather have the opportunity to get. A serious health problem if you are not sure whether your current weight is good or the need to lose weight. If so, I have a plan for you. Many people make themselves guilty by constantly searching for new ways to lose weight. The answer is at your door! Bear in mind that sex is seen as a good exercise and you can burn your calories! Having sex per half hour burns up to ninety calories.

The researchers said that the disorder may arise or worsen prostate due to a pile of fluid in the gland. Regular ejaculation will discard the liquid. But, do not change the frequency of a sudden because it can trigger prostate problems. But keep in mind that sex has many benefits and is not meant to be a reason for you to indiscriminate it.

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