The first thought that comes to anyone’s mind is to download a software that would help to download these videos at any time. These include software’s like the IDM (Internet Download Manager) that allows you to download the video instantly before or after streaming. These softwares are as follow:
- Internet Download Manager
- Tube Sucker
- Video Get
- VDownloader
- Youtube Downloader
There are times when you are at a place where you do not have the access to the software’s through which you can download the videos. As a result you get stuck. But not to worry as there is a simple solution to that, there are websites where all you got to do is to put the URL of video you want to download and click the download button. These sites are:
- Savevid .com
This is one of the most efficient ways as all you have to do to download a video is to add this
extension to your chrome browser and when you want to download a video, just click it on it in your chrome browser. The extensions name is Youtube Downloader-1.1 and is available free on the chrome store.
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