18 May 2013

Too Shy To Woo A Girl? Check This Out

Are you a dumbass, scared or too shy to talk to a girl?? I know it must be hurting you inside to see a girl that you like, but you are lacking from embolden to talk to her or you often elicit from her whenever you try to chat her up. These tips are going to boost your morale and you will be an EM-bold when you finished reading this, it will also enchant and make her emollient with you

  • Ignore The Ego. This is the main important thing to take care off when you are meeting a girl, your ego doesn't want you to do it because it thinks the girl is going to reject you and that doesn't feel good for your ego. So anytime you are a meeting a girl for the first time, be the one to make the decision, don't let your ego decide for you and by doing this, you will be boosting your morale.
  • Break The Ice. This is one of the most seemingly dicey things to do, but once you have done this, holding a conversation and laughing will be easy, and you will begin to share a good rapport. A good laugh is always a smart way to break the ice. For example, you would show this web page to her, and have a laugh over what is written and the whole idea of having such a page as well?
  • The Girl Decision. Some girls like to make it a bit of a challenge. If she seems a bit distant, but hasn't explicitly done anything to indicate she doesn't like you, don't give up just yet. Remember that you are meeting her for the first time and you don't know nothing about her personality, the girl may reply to you well if she likes you and if she didn't reply to you, please try to accept her decision because you can't expect a girl you met for the first time to accept you. Don't feel rejected if she didn't accept you, keep it cool because even if a girl doesn't like you now, chances are that if you play your cards right you will eventually spark an interest.
  • Don't Rush For Her Number. This is what most of d guys do, whenever they see a beautiful girl, they will be eager to collect her number, they don't want to know the kind of person she is whether she is a ghost, lol. Did you know how many guys she has shared her number with or you think you are the first person that will ask for her number? Wake up lad, you are not the only person that got her number, someone else does too. Show her that you would like to get to know her and you were happy to meet her or talk to her and then you can go for her number. If she has an interest in you, she will be the one to drop her number for you, so never be in haste for a girl's number you are meeting for the first time.
  1. Close The Conversation Early. Follow that old saying - "Always leave them wanting more." Find a way to gracefully duck out of the conversation before it goes stale.
  2. Avoid The Friend Zone. Starting off the conversation with a compliment immediately lets your crush know that you are romantically interested, not just looking for a platonic friendship. Skipping this step puts you in danger of residing in the friend zone.
I know you must be elated with what you just read, you are free to share your views about this post. Your comment is welcome here.