- He Was Still Alone. If your ex is still alone after a break up, there is a chance that he could not move forward with you in his heart. He may still love you of course, he still have feelings that is drawling him back from establishing a new relationship with another girl. If he was still himself that shows he still likes you and still want to get back to you.
- He Send You SMS Frequently. He is still sending a short message (SMS) or call you frequently in a day. Maybe he is interested in maintaining communication with you. Generally, couples who broke up don't really like talking to each other because they see each other as enemies. If he wants to stay as friends, then let him and give him a chance to do that, but always remind him that there will be nothing more serious between both of you than the friendship zone you are sharing together. Though it means that he still has feelings for you. An SMS like how are you shows he wants to know your news.
- Related Active In Social Media Network. If he is dealing with social networks, chances are still open that he still likes you. If he regularly sends a message or write on your wall, this surely means he still likes you. If you do not want to communicate with him, then un-friend him from your friend's list.
- He Is Happy To See You. If both of you met by chance and he was very happy to see you, then he would still love to be with you. He's happy because he still likes you. It can be seen from his reaction.
- He Called For Help. Does your ex call and ask for your help or seek for your advice? If yes, then he still loves you and cares for you. He trusts you more than anyone. Talk to him about this issue and try to solve things out together.
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