Android is a Linux operating system which was developed by the Ophone company in China but later backed up by google due to financial problem but finally bought by google also in the year of 2007. Android is mostly used across the globe, especially in Asia country maybe because the inventor came from there.
Differences Between The Two
You can get a 16GB iPhone 4 or a Droid X for $199 upfront though the 32GB iPhone 4 costs $299. The price between those two phones are kind of big which means $100 difference between them. Though $100 is not that big amount of money but kind of big for some people because all fingers are not equal.
IPhone device is only made by apple which make the hardware and software of the device works in the same way while android is made by various mobile company offered by google such as Samsung, Sony, Htc, Motorola etc. As a result, Android phones vary quite a bit in size, weight, features, user experience, and quality.
Though it is mostly common that most android devices are over heat or freeze and due to low quality in hardware and software While iPhones have also had hardware issues especially the iPhone 4 "antenna problems", inconsistency of quality generally isn't an issue for the iPhone.
IPhone offers three choices of model which is iPhone 3, 4 and 5 while android has a lot of models to offer to its lovers available in the market and they are made by different mobile companies, which is easy for you to choose your choice of product means if you are HTC fans, you can easily go for HTC Android devices or if you are Sony lover, they also offer a lot of android device model too and etc.
Battery Life
When to comes to phone usage, battery is the most important thing in the phone because without battery nothing can be perform on it. Due to a variety of hardware used by an android, their battery life is very poor which required a daily charge, even an hour charge and it's not like that on the iPhone, you can use your iPhone throughout the day which doesn't require an hour charge like android just a single charge in a day. It is said that there are some Android phones that offer ultra-high capacity batteries. If you don't mind the extra bulk, they will work much longer than iPhones on a single charge.
When to comes to phone usage, battery is the most important thing in the phone because without battery nothing can be perform on it. Due to a variety of hardware used by an android, their battery life is very poor which required a daily charge, even an hour charge and it's not like that on the iPhone, you can use your iPhone throughout the day which doesn't require an hour charge like android just a single charge in a day. It is said that there are some Android phones that offer ultra-high capacity batteries. If you don't mind the extra bulk, they will work much longer than iPhones on a single charge.
Gaming experience on the iPhone is very interesting and unique as I always play some on my astonishing iPhone 4s though gaming on android aren't bad too, but you can't compare the iPhone to to android when it comes to gaming, game graphics on the iPhone can't be compared to any other mobile on the earth.
The iPhone has over 50,000 applications available for their users to choose from while only 5,000 applications are available on Android devices. Though all applications in the Apple Store must go through an Apple approval process that has been the center of controversy. Android applications need not go through an approval process. Most of android applications are free to download from Google play while few are free at the apple store.
Conclusion: There must be some other differences you may know about these two devices which I may forget to mention. Don't hesitate to use the comment box below.
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