26 June 2014

Diarrhea ~ Causes, Symptoms And preventions

Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease. It is characterized by the frequent passage of loose stools. The acute form lasts 1 or 2 days only, and is usually not serious, but it may be related to other disorders. Diarrhea can affect people of any age, and some forms are very infectious. 

Everyone is suffering from acute diarrhea 3-5 times a year on average, and long-term effects are rare. Children under 5 years are about 1-3 episodes of diarrhea each year.


Here are the most common causes of diarrhea;

An abnormal passage of water and minerals from the body through the intestinal wall. When bowel disease is concerned, diarrhea is often chronic.

A food poisoning (eg the infected poultry salmonella or meat contaminated with the bacterium Escherichia coli)
A gastroenteritis virus

The stress or anxiety

The intake of antibiotics alters the intestinal flora, and thus reducing the absorption of the bowel wall capacity. Antibiotics cause diarrhea in 5-30% of users, depending on the type of antibiotic used

Chronic intestinal disease: Coeliac disease (intolerance to gluten), the Crohn's disease, the irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

Diarrhea is caused when the stools are moving so quickly that the intestines do not have time to absorb the water for the "strengthening" of the stool.


The symptoms of diarrhea, as well as the evacuation of watery feces, are abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, or loss of appetite.

Your stools will be too soft and liquid. You may abdominal cramps and nausea or you will experience bloating suffer. You might even have a fever with chills. If diarrhea persists for a few days, you will probably experience a feeling of light-headedness or weakness. These symptoms are subsequent to a rapid loss of minerals, sugar and water that your body needs. In general, diarrhea does not cause loss of control of bowel function - but if that is the case, you should consult your doctor.

You may urinate less. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that your body loses water in the stool rather than urine. If the diarrhea lasts more than 48 hours or if you have a fever of 38.5 ° C or more, or very painful abdominal cramps or vomiting that prevents you from absorbing liquids by mouth, see a doctor immediately. Acute diarrhea accompanied by fever and bloody stools are sometimes signs of a potentially serious infection or parasites.


The benefits for the health of the yogurt and fermented milks, Yoghurt and health effects supposed beneficial yogurt and fermented milks have certainly contributed much to the success of these products. Certain virtues have also been confirmed: digestibility than milk or a faster cure of diarrhea... Others, on the contrary, still require confirmations.

Drink plenty of lightly salted and sweetened liquids (half a teaspoon of salt and four of sugar per liter of water) compensate for losses and prevent dehydration. Drink sweet tea, broth, juice or some sodas (colas).

During the acute phase of diarrhea, take care of your intestines and adopt an anti-diarrhea diet: crackers, soups, rice, stewed, bananas, etc.. You have to eat because the body needs to recover losses.

Do not continue taking medications that inhibit or reduce the activity of the intestine common mistake during a trip. You could be very constipated.

Temporarily change your diet. Avoid elements that can make diarrhea worse, such as tobacco, alcohol and coffee. Try to avoid products high in sugar, dairy products, and spicy foods or high-fat or dietary fiber. Prefer a bland diet consisting of "white foods" such as rice and bread. Applesauce and bananas are other recommended foods.

Consult a physician in the day, if diarrhea is accompanied by high fever, severe vomiting, headache or confusion of ideas.
If the stools contain blood, pus or mucus.


Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom of infection caused by a germ, bacteria, virus or toxin. It may also cause its intake of antibiotics and intolerance to lactose. A common cause of this change in the intestinal tract can also be the ingestion of food or water contaminated.

The treatment depends on the cause of diarrhea and their severity. If it is mild enough to manage lots of fluids in the patient's own home. If the diarrhea is severe and is accompanied by dehydration, it is necessary to treat the patient in the hospital to administer fluids intravenously.

Try to eat a diet without fiber. You can try with natural yogurts, white rice, potatoes or cooked carrots, boiled fish, grilled meat, and to introduce, progressively and as that is go finding better, other soft foods.

Conclusion: It is important that you renew your water supply and electrolytes, that is to say, sodium, potassium and chloride. To prepare an electrolyte drink, mix a half teaspoon of salt and four teaspoons of sugar in a liter of water. Add a little orange juice, lemon juice or salt substitute, which provide potassium. Drink the entire quantity prepared on the day.