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29 September 2013

10 Interesting Facts About Dolphins

Sea animals have always been a source of curiosity for humans, especially because of their beauty and intelligence. While most are wild and murderers, some of which are always unique in their own way. Dolphins sharks and whales are the subject of intense research among marine biologists. Dolphins out of whales and sharks because of their particular friendly behavior with humans. Dolphins are known for their intelligence, sociability, and their acrobatic abilities.

Dolphins are mammals closer to the human race. The dolphin is considered the most intelligent mammal on Earth. Perhaps the most interesting and sympathetic aquatic mammals are the Dolphin. The Dolphin is a mammal close association with the whale and shark. There are at least thirty-seven species of dolphins in the world. The name 'Dolphin' could come from the Greek word 'Delphis', which means 'with a womb'. Therefore, the meaning of the word 'Dolphin may mean "fish with a womb".

Here  Are Some Fun facts About The Loving Mammal "Dolphin".
  • Dolphins Breathe Through The Air. They do not have gills like a fish, but they have lungs and a special breathing hole at the top of the body. This slot as dolphins and whales, and uses a variety of sound sources. Bottlenose dolphins are one of the best known species of dolphin, usually holding their breath 7.25 min. However, after the addition of water and can remain in the air for up to 15 minutes.
  • A Good Sense Of Hearing. Dolphins do not have external ear openings are prominent. Their ear openings are small gap (located behind the eyes) that is not connected to the middle ear. The scientists found that the sound delivered to the inner ear and the middle-lobe with fat located in the lower jaw and by various bones in the skull makes them have a good sense of hearing.
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  • Eating Habit. An adult dolphin eats about 20-22 pounds of fish every day! The eating habits of dolphins depend on the region where they grow and the season of the year. Seasons in which fish such as mullet, mackerel, herring, cod are abundant dolphins have a festive time! Depending on the fat content of the fish, dolphins can decide how much they can eat! And mind you, they have a good sense of understanding their hunger.
  • Communication. Dolphins have a system that is used to communicate and receive excitatory system called sonar. This system can avoid objects in front of the dolphin, so to avoid a collision. This technology is then applied in the manufacture of submarine radar.
  • Protection. They protect themselves with his teeth, sometimes they use the beak as a ramrod. Humans can catch a lot of fish for the dolphins to eat. Sometimes, dolphins be caught by fishing nets. They can not breathe at the surface, consequently they drowned. When hazardous chemicals are dumped into the sea, the waste can poison the food eaten by dolphins.
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  • Eye Focus. The dolphin's eyes are able to focus at different points at the same time. Therefore, the dolphins can look forward with one eye fixed on his swimming while observing the presence of hazards around with the other eye.
  • Dolphin Can See Clearly Both Inside And Outside Of Water. Just like humans have amazing eyes that allow them to see on the mainland. But underwater vision is blurred. The reason is that the human eye has trouble focusing on underwater. To overcome this difficulty, people use goggles that make air bags around the eyes. In the same way, humans using high-tech cameras to photograph underwater. Dolphin eyes just as special cameras that allow them to see clearly underwater and above it. They have a flexible lens in their eye that expands and contracts to allow their eyes focused on the bottom and on the water.
  • Detection Of Earthquake. Dolphins can also act as an early warning of impending earthquakes. A few days before the earthquake, they are seen to migrate to colonize other areas. When a heat wave or other disturbance in the ocean (such as a major earthquake under the sea level), they will react in a way to immigrate to other areas deemed safer.
  • Poor Sense Of Smell. Dolphins have a poor sense of smell, like all toothed whales, do not have the olfactory lobes and nerves. Because dolphins have no anatomical features of smell, most likely even less developed sense of smell.
  • Both sides of the dolphin brain work independentlyDolphins rested with only half of their brain activate, and his eyes open door. Both sides of the dolphin brain work separately. For 8 hours, the two sides of the brain are conscious. Then the left side to sleep for 8 hours. After it woke up the side, the right side will sleep for 8 hours. Thus dolphins can sleep for 8 hours without having to stop physically. This allows them to keep swimming, keep rising to the surface to breathe and to protect themselves from predators.

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals. In addition, the natural system that complements their body is very complex. Dolphins have a unique ability that actually when we as humans jelly, can capture the intent of the change in the behavior of dolphins. The unique capabilities such as love, helping people who happen to get lost or tossed around in the sea, dolphins usually helping and guiding people lost in the sea, towards the waters.

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