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24 September 2013

Amazing Facts About Cat

Cats are generally known as a sweet and quiet animals but behind his composure cats have manipulative behavior and ability sensibility is rarely known by humans. Cats are one of the most pet reared by humans

  • Cats hate the smell of perfume. They also hate the smell of oranges and lemons.
  • Cats have 30 vertebrae, which is 5 times more than men and they also have 230 bones, which is 24 times more than humans.
  • Female cat is sexually matures at the age of 6-10 months while the male cats are sexually mature at the age of 9 -12 months.
A Must Read: Amazing Facts About Dog
  • Cats breathe as much as 20-40 times per minute.
  • Adult cat has 30 teeth, 16 pieces in the upper jaw and 14 in the lower jaw while the kitten has 26 teeth.
  • Whiskers in cats are very sensitive and can feel the air pressure change even small ones. This capability makes the cat to use it as a guide to an alternative to move in the dark when he/she cannot see.
  • Cats Save Energy Through Sleeping. Cats can save energy by sleeping more often than any other animal. Older cats sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day , with the average 13-14 hours.
  • Cats Can Swallow And Digest Food Without Chewing. Researcher Elaine Wexler Mitchell, DVM, said that the cat without teeth can eat very well.
  • Regards Nose. For a cat who has had a strong enough interactions with fellow friends, will usually do the greeting greetings with noses touching each other respectively. This habit helps confirm the visual recognition of their existence and know more about the character of the other cats, like humans who interact with one another.
  • Snoring. Cats have a habit of continuous snoring during inhalation and exhalation and until now scientists have not been able to determine the exact cause of their snoring. Some scientists believe that it came from his throat instead of the cardiovascular system, young cat purring tones are usually more flat while the parents have a more varied tone snoring. Snoring cat ( purring ) does not always indicate that a cat is happy. Cats will also do the same and more loudly when they are distressed or in pain like humans.
  • Cat Can't Eat Chocolate. Just like dogs, cats will get sick and even dying when eating chocolate. So, pay attention to your cat's food consumption.
  • Cat Make A New Friend Through Eye Contact with Other Cats. In order to establish a relationship with other cats, a cat will blink and narrowed his eyes in order to attract attention from other cats.
  • Piece Of Raw Meat Cat Strengthen Gums And Teeth. Giving a piece of raw meat every day to a cat will help strengthen and maintain the cat's gums and teeth and those can be derived from poultry, rabbit or beef bones that have been separated.
A Must Read: Amazing facts About Rabbit

  • Cats Can Move In opposite Direction. Flexibility of the cat's body is amazing, his feet can be rotated in any direction and half of his body to move in the opposite direction
  • Sense Of Hearing. Cats are more sensitive in hearing than humans and dogs. Cat auditory limit 65 kHz, while the human is 20 kHz.
  • Cats Have A Excellent Night Vision. Cat's eye has a light reflecting layer called the tapetum that can serve to strengthen the retina from incoming light. The reflective layer can absorb light 6 times more powerful than the human eye, allowing the cat to be able to see in the darkness.

Conclusion: Believe it or not, in the middle ages cats are considered associated with witches and often killed by humans, burned and thrown from a high place . Some historians believed that the outbreak of the Black Death or bubonic plague spread rapidly in Europe in the 14th century due to the superstition . That is because the number of murders committed cat thereby increasing the population of mice carrying the bubonic plague.

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