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7 September 2013

Healthy Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a viscous liquid which resembles syrup tastes sweet and distinctive aroma. Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey tolerates no bacterial growth for several reasons," explains Guido Majno pathologist from the University of Massachusetts. Honey is the safest alternative sweetener than sugar or artificial sugar. Some studies even suspect honey can lower blood glucose. Natural minerals and vitamins in honey also help lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body.

Benefits of honey is not a secret anymore. Since ancient times honey has been the one of natural products that have immense benefits, especially for health. But can be used as a medicine, honey is also used as a natural sweetener in delivering various types of food and beverages. 

Scientific studies confirm antibiotic effects of honey on Helicobacter pylori, the notorious triggers of stomach ulcer. Compared to conventional antibiotics, he also has the advantage of being a natural product that bacteria cannot become resistant to it. Honey has many healing properties," says holistic nutritionist, Kim Edmundson. "Traditionally, raw honey has been used to help some people to fight against allergies seasonal and it can also help get rid of bacteria that cause inflammation of the digestive tract.
  • Powerful Antioxidant. Honey has a very high content of antioxidants that keep the body from free radical attack. In fact, antioxidants called "pinocembrin" is only found in honey. This makes your body healthier, avoid illness and look more youthful.
  • Care Wounds And Ulcers. Honey for centuries has been used for the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Honey contains glucose and an enzyme called glucose oxidase. In the right conditions, can break down glucose oxidase of honey glucose into hydrogen peroxide, a substance that is a powerful as antiseptic wounds and ulcer.
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  • Alleviate respiratory disease. Honey is very effective for respiratory diseases. A study in Bulgaria on nearly 18,000 patients found that honey helps overcome chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic rhinitis, allergies and sinusitis. Honey is an effective remedy for colds, flu, and respiratory infections.
  • Lowers Blood Glucose And Cholesterol. Honey is one source of antioxidants that are good for the body. Antioxidants are essential to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Though sweeter than sugar, honey has a low glycemic index because it is absorbed into the bloodstream gradually and reduce the high glycemic index foods because it will make the blood glucose spike.
  • Stimulate Tissue Growth. Propolis, enzymes, and pollen, vitamins and minerals in honey can stimulate the growth of new tissue. When used on burns, honey will speed healing and reduce the amount of scarring.
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  • Smoothen The Skin. Honey can be used to improve skin health. Honey contains about 0.22 mg of vitamin C which is good for skin health. Gluconic acid and other mild organic acids contained in honey can loosen the bond of dead skin cells to promote regeneration, provide anti-aging effect on the skin. It also reduces wrinkles and make your skin smooth and soft.  Honey also contains sugars and amino acids that help the skin retain moisture.
  • Eliminate The Intoxication Of Alcohol. Honey is a very concentrated source of fructose, a form of sugar that accelerates the oxidation of alcohol in the liver. Eating honey, the morning after a drunken night helps your body eliminate alcohol stays in your body.
  • Get Rid Of Sleepless Night. Honey is a carbohydrate digestion of fats and therefore it stimulates the release of insulin. This action, in turn, stimulates the tryptophan (a compound that makes us sleepy.) If you have trouble sleeping, take a glass of warm milk with honey before bedtime.
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  • Face Mask. Honey is an excellent conditioner and is often used in masks, as it helps to absorb and retain water. Mix honey with olive oil for a natural shampoo or try the mask and moisturizing lip treatment.
  • Energy Boost. Honey can be used to increase energy. Rather than adjust your carbohydrate with a deficiency of sports drinks and in this case, eat much refined sugar, try a spoonful of honey for an energy boost. Studies suggest that honey is one of the most effective carbohydrates carbon before a workout because it is easily digested and released in the metabolism at a steady pace.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey inhibit bacterial growth. In the past, hospitals and clinics applied honey on burns and open wounds to prevent infection. Try it in the next time you have a cut, scrape or minor burn, put a little honey on the injured area to prevent infection . But do not forget to cover it with a bandage. Moreover, try a honey ointment to relieve itching.

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