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21 November 2013

16 Interesting Facts About Snakes

Snakes are legless reptiles. Snakes have scales like a lizard and both were classified into the scaly reptiles (Squamata). However, the difference is, in general legged lizards, have ear hole, and ocular lids that can open the lid. Meanwhile, the snake is one of the most prosperous reptiles thrive in the world. They can be found in the mountains, forests, deserts, plains, farms, neighborhoods, down to the ocean.

Their bodies are covered with scales, composed of horny epidermal material, arranged in conventional rows, and conventionally overlapping like shingles on a roof.
  • All snakes are carnivorous and feed on a variety of animals, from insects, spiders and snails to frogs, mice and rats.
  • Most snakes have well developed optical discernment, however, many bulldozers are virtually blind snakes. Their sense of smell is very sharp and rely heavily on it for hunting. Snakes have a supplemental chemical sense used extensively in virtually all activities. They take the language of the mouth and carrying it smells amass the palate, bringing them into contact with a receptor called Jacobson's organ. The language withal receives tactile stimuli.
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  • All snakes are born to be a swimmer. They swim by moving their body like a wave, starting from the head down to the tail continuously.
  • Snakes reproduce either by laying eggs that the female conventionally amassed somewhere leave or illuminating live puerile, which are withal forsook.
  • Both the eggs and the adolescent can achieve a number up to 100 per set, but conventionally they are much less. Family care not subsist in regard to the offspring, although some species protect the eggs during the incubation period, the female including the piton incubated. Magnification is quite expeditious and the puerile reach maturity in the course of one to five years.
  • Snakes can transmute their outer skin and the horny scales periodically, conventionally in one piece, including hard and transparent cover ocular perceivers or glasses, which protect their vision since they lack of lids
  • Snakes sleep with their ocular perceivers open, because they do not have ocular lids like other reptiles and roll their bodies additionally while sleeping.
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  • Snakes are auditorily impaired to the sounds transmitted through the air. Thus, a rattlesnake can not aurally perceive the sound engendered by another, or sound becomes the snake charmer's flute. However, they may feel the vibrations through the floor or any object with which they are in contact.
  • Many snakes vibrate its tail when exhilarated and, if they are among dry grass and produce perfectly perceptible sound. 
  • The most striking is the horny rattlesnakes, which comes to vibrating with a frequency of 50 times per second on average. The resulting sound, like the hiss is an admonition to the enemies, not a signal to magnetize other individuals of the same species. Each time the snake undergoes a transmutation, which occurs between one and five times a year, it integrates an incipient segment to the rattle.
  • Cobra King, the world's most astronomically immense venomous snakes can kill an elephant.
  • The long, tenuous body of snakes contains an immensely colossal number of vertebrae, never less than one hundred and three hundred-times, each with a pair of ribs, the first two are connected to the head. The skeleton is a lightweight structure and is modified to the sanction liberation of movement. In particular, components of the skull relish great mobility and can be stretched in different directions, allowing the snake swallow large dams in relationship to the size of the head and body.
  • Both snake jaws have numerous sharp teeth like needles, all bent rearwards, towards the back of the mouth. Are arranged in six rows parallel to the longitudinal axis of the head, that is, two rows on each side of the upper jaw and one on each side of the bottom. Except poisonous species, the teeth are solid and are superseded every so often.
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  • Ebony mamba is the most expeditious snake in the world. These snakes are able to move with a speed of 20 miles per hour.
  • Some snakes kill their prey by injecting tongue (venom) on their body before eating. While others swallow their prey whole and sometimes still alive. 
  • The snake must bite to inject their poison and they have no sting in the tail. They can bite at any time and from any position, even submerged. They conventionally attack from a defensive position, which is screwed on themselves and project the head and body of the victim.
Conclusion: However, as is generally cold-blooded animals, the snakes are rarely found in arctic places, such as on the tops of the mountains, in the area of Ireland and Incipient Zealand and the regional areas of snow or polar desert.

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